These ads for the Star Wars documentary on the History Channel reveal a bit of the process that led to the classic epic. Simple, smart, inspiring work.
By The Brooklyn Brothers agency: .
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The Zone
5:32 AM
iGasm v/s iPod
iGasm, we laugh
COMPUTER giants Apple are really worked up—over Ann Summers sex toy that hooks up to your iPod.
You've seen these popular interpretations of the silhouette Apple iPods ads before -- used for everything from political satire iRaq to promoting church services.
Now, Apple is unhappy about this particular one for the iGasm vibrator:
"Women all over Britain are saying yes, yes, yes to the £30 iGasm that plugs into a music player and delivers good vibrations that pulse to the beat".
But shocked iPod bosses are iRate—demanding stores to take down all posters of that gadget or risk a fight in the iCourt."
Apple lawyers claim the poster is a blatant rip-off of iPods famous silhouette images and they will have to take legal action if posters are not removed immediately.
Despite that, Ann Summers boss Jacqueline Gold is saying no, no, no and joked: "Perhaps I can send them an iGasm to put a smile back on their faces!"
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The Zone
5:13 AM
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