Designed by Dalia Fawaz - Beirut Just perfect!! In the above proposed logos, the "raison d'ĂȘtre" (reason2B) of ACT4Q8 is clearly stressed on. The 3 symbols- hand, eye, mouth- surely pass on the message of ACT4Q8's project; you see what you refuse; you decide to ACT, ReACT... & you must speak it to communicate IT.... preferably loudly.... these logos conveys perfectly the very much needed awareness for a better Kuwait! R we going for the last one- #4?...Hmmmmm..... I believe WE ARE!! Scroll down down the pages to review the first ones we got... Eight creative designers have submitted multiple versions of ACT4Q8 logos. Wako's, Firespell & Dalia's are our shortlisted favorite ones... ACT4Q8 coming your way soon.............

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ArabAd Peace Poster Design Contest

ArabAd Peace Poster Design Contest