Rockin' car ads

---From top: Jeep;Polo-VW;Renault Espace;Mini Cooper---- Get inspired! by these 4 selected ads- posted as a perfect proof of Advertising Creativity, where no car is featured. Featuring a car doesn't necessary convince us to buy the car; showing the price is even deadlier!! Let your imagination do the walking... These are wonderful & award-winning advertisements.... Hope Kuwaiti automotive advertisers will get there one day by requesting Rockin' car ads from their appointed ad agencies...It's about time we change the speed by shifting the rules!!!

1 comment:

Father of 3 said...

Car ads with no cars...risky. Good ideas, poor executions, I think. (But that's just me without morning coffee yet.)

ArabAd Peace Poster Design Contest

ArabAd Peace Poster Design Contest