GET READY TO DIG JUMP BLOCK BUMP SET & SPIKE IT IN STYLE @ BEACH SPIKE 3rd inter-ad beach volley tournament which has become a very much awaited event; a day to play, pause, refresh, rethink, run, zig, chat, zag, dive, dream, meet, cheer, forget, sweat, swim, sprint, relax, smile, walk, drink, eat, chill, enjoy, dance, freeze, LIVE, LOVE, LAUGH...... You name it!! That's the only day where all advertising agencies located in Kuwait compete on a friendly spirit and in an Xtremly chilled out atmosphere. This year, French DJ KID LOCO is BEACH SPIKE's Special Guest and Lebanese tatoo & airbrush artist, Hady Beydoun will make his second come-back for a live art performance on the golden sand of Kempinski Resort-Julai'a. For more info, email Zone @ sirdab@gmail.com


Father of 3 said...

Hmmm... sounds to me like a perfect opportunity for you to get some video fooatge for a blogger friend's charity project. Any ages 4-19. Think?

Anonymous said...

I am definetely getting me a piece of that ... :)

ArabAd Peace Poster Design Contest

ArabAd Peace Poster Design Contest