Lebanon black summer 06

BOMS OR NO BOMBS.... You are certainly familiar with Johnnie Bridge Walker... This pertinent visual magnifies the strong methaphoric message built up by infamous outdoor advertising of Johnny Black-walking baldly over destroyed bridges of summer 06- during the Israel fury released on Lebanon. The ad in question has earned an extraordinary buzz when it got released last year; it is also one great example of viral marketing efficiency, as it was spontaneously forwarded over the Net by each and everyone over and over. And that's how Johnny got his forward pass for a second run. Indeed, this second featured version- illustrated with brio- of ‘the man over the bridge’ is another astute interpretation that manages to exalt once again the Lebanese spirit, while improving on Johnny Walker brand driver, the “Keep Walking” punch line. Brilliant! Click on (MR) for a Mind Refresh or on Johnnie's label below for a GMR - gREATER mIND rEFRESH :_\

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is so clever! A mix of politics, positivity, and a bit of a pun...v. effective!!

ArabAd Peace Poster Design Contest

ArabAd Peace Poster Design Contest